Wednesday, December 10, 2008


This is why we finally had to install child proof drawer and cabinet latches

Phillip playing flag football with his dental friends.

We went to a friends house to watch the sad BYU vs U game. It was a pathetic game. At least we had some team spirit before the game started...during...not so much

We're training Abby to take the dog on walks so we don't have to...haha jk

Abby and her new winter coat...she looks like a marshmallow

A little collage of a couple pictures. I was just playing around on a photo editing website and thought it was cute. The picture of Abby in her Thanksgiving bib is the only picture I have of her on sad

Its been awhile since I have posted last. It has been a very crazy emotional roller coaster couple of weeks. We have been crazy busy with Thanksgiving, getting our Christmas decorations up, Phillip studying like crazy for finals, being sick...etc. I just thought I would post some much needed pictures since its been awhile. Phillip has finals all this week so this weekend we are going to be going up to Saint George with a couple other dental families to celebrate the first semester being over. One of the families has a condo up there and invited we are looking forward to a relaxing and fun weekend away from everything...especially Phillip's school laptop! :) Then we get back on Monday, and its busy busy till we go down to Cali for Christmas! We will be leaving on Thursday (the 18th) so we can go to Disneyland on that Friday. (Thanks so much Jim!!!) I can't wait to go! Phillip and I have never been to Disneyland together. We have only gone to California Adventure, so I am extremely excited!!! I absolutely love Disneyland, and I love it even more at Christmas time! Of course Abby has never been either so I can not wait to see how she likes it. We are going to be in CA for about 2 weeks and we have so much to do. It is going to be crazy fun. I can't wait!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Date Night

A little late on updating but two weekends ago a friend of Phillip's from dental school had some extra VIP tickets to the PBR (Professional Bull Riding). We got to eat a nice buffet dinner with all the high rollers before the actual event. Then Phillip got to ride a mechanical bull and we also got to race in a NASCAR simulator. I hadn't seen much bull riding before, just a little bit on tv once in a blue moon if Phillip is watching it. But it was so much more fun and scary live. We were on like the 7th we got to experience it up close and personal. One of the first rides one of the clowns got flipped up by the bull. Then towards the end one of the riders got stepped on on his back and shoulder...but he was able to walk off. I have no idea how he did after a bull weighing literally a ton just stepped on him! It was insane!!! We had so much fun! It was a much needed and awesome date night!!!!

The official PBR trophy

Abs decided to take a stroll around the house.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So this year for Halloween...we decided to send out Halloween cards with a little newsletter. We dressed up in our costumes and took pictures at a pumpkin patch. Here are a couple pictures from the mini photo shoot. Then on Halloween we went to a friends house for a Halloween party. It was a lot of fun with yummy chili and caramel apples! Happy late Halloween!!!!

This is the card we sent out...

This is a copy of the little newsletter we sent out. Phillip of course wrote if you don't know his sense of humor too might not make sense as much. haha

Happy Halloween!!

Aitch A double el Oh, double ewe double ee in spells Halloween.
(Many people were getting confused with says literally...H-A-double L-O-W-double E-N spells HALLOWEEN)(I asked him where he got this from and he said...a decoration my mom has for Halloween would say it...)
Greetings from the Jenkins!
While waiting in the pumpkin patch on Hallows Eve, as usual, our family was transformed as the Great Pumpkin so dictated. Vanessa and Abby switched places with Dash which means not much will change. They will continue to lie around the house all day. The only difference will be that Vanessa will only be able to clean with her tongue. The Great Pumpkin chose, in his infinite wisdom, to convert me into Mater. Now I’ll just have to specialize in K-9s.
Here’s the annual update (acting like we’ve done one before):
Abs of course was born last December (in case you’ve been asleep for the last ten months). She turned out to be a girl, which was good because Vanessa needed an excuse to make a shrine to Ariel (of Little Mermaid fame). The baby’s room is really just all of Vanessa’s toys. Vanessa even painted a mural of Ariel, Sebastian, and Flounder by putting together a make shift projector. Now that Abs is ten months old (and transformed into a cat), I now have a good excuse to go trick-or-treating (not that it ever stopped me before).
Vanessa is getting used to staying home and being a full time mom. She has created two blogs which she tries to update frequently. She also has started walking two miles every day and collecting random animals (like Mater). Now the dog park has one more little yapper. She also volunteers her time with one of her friends at their church.
As for me, I pretty much just play ping pong. When I can fit it in I go to classes in-between. I started dental school a few months ago. I also joined the Navy because we decided it would be fun not knowing where we’ll be living in four years. Spices things up a little. Well have a lovely year. Take care until the Great Pumpkin strikes next year.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Where do you think Abby gets this from??

Random Pictures

Last week on Monday, Lauren and I made a very short trip down to California. I didn't tell anyone I was coming down so it was a fun little surprise. Lauren went to my parents door and told them that she had a package for them and then I jumped out with Abby. My mom's face and expression was absolutely priceless! She started screaming and jumped up and down. It was classic! Abby was so silly that day. I purposely kept her up from her morning nap in hopes that she would just sleep most of the way in the car. NOPE! She did everything she could to stay awake. The whole 4 hours she did anything but sleep. Mostly cried and zoned out a lot, but wouldn't let herself fall asleep. Silly thing. She did the same thing on the way back but she at least got naps before the car ride that time. So we went home Monday evening and came back Wednesday evening. It was short but sweet. We got to go to lunch with Mom/Grandma Jenkins twice and once with Dad/Grandpa Jenkins too. We also got to go to breakfast with Dad/Grandpa Chase. My sisters got to stay home from school on Tuesday so we had fun hanging out and waiting for Abby to wake up from her over 4 hour nap (she was making up from no naps on Monday.) When we came back from California I went to my friend's house to pick up the puppy. I left the room for a minute and came back to find Abby had crawled into the puppy's crate! Silly girl! Crates are for dogs!

Abby and Aunt Kaitlin and Becca!

Abby and Grandma Chase

Abby caught in the "dog house"

Abby wasn't feeling well and was just wanting to be held and watch her Einstein movies with Daddy. This is EXTREMELY rare that she doesn't want to be down and crawling around, so I had to take photographic evidence!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch and Abby's First Concert

This week has been a very busy and fun filled week. On Friday morning Abby and I went with some friends of ours to a pumpkin patch/farm. It was so much fun with all the kids looking at all the pumpkins and random animals roaming around. Abby had a blast watching the older kids run around and then she would try to chase them by crawling as fast as she could. Then on Saturday Lauren and I went to "Bite of Las Vegas." It was at outdoor concert with several bands playing and a bunch of food booths and other little carnival rides. Phillip met us a little later after studying. We got to watch Metro Station, Puddle of Mudd, and Lifehouse perform. It was a lot of fun! It was nice to get out and listen to some good music. Abby enjoyed people watching and had fun dancing to the music.

My little pumpkin

Abby and her new friends. I love how she is almost as big as Kylie who is 3. haha

Metro Station

Abby enjoying the music

Abby and Lauren having a good time


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Anchors Aweigh!"

After a 5 month process of paperwork, Dr. appointments, fingerprinting, and many many "it should be about two more weeks,"...we finally got into the NAVY!!! We are going into the Navy to help pay for Dental School. We get a salary while Phillip is in school and we get complete health insurance for our whole family. Also the four years that Phillip is in school count towards retirement if we decide to stay in after our commitment. Basically we have nothing to do with the Navy the four years of school, Phillip just has to check in once a month through email, and run a couple miles twice a year. Then after school he has to go to 5 weeks of Officer Training Camp in Rhode Island. Then we will be stationed where ever they send us and Phillip will work as a Dentist for the Navy for 4 years. Unless he decides to specialize then it will be more. As of now he is a "Petty Officer" and when he graduates he will be an Officer in the Navy. We have an Air Force Base that is about 11 miles from our house, so I can't wait to go on base and explore and go shopping. No sales tax! Haha! It has been such a relief that this all finally went through so that we don't have to stress as much about our finances. Phillip's parents were able to come up this weekend so that they could see him get sworn in. It was a really neat experience! I am so proud of him!!!

Signing the first of many pages

I thought this picture was sooo funny. Abby was trying to get in the action

Sunday, September 28, 2008

And the Winner is....

So this is really random but last night Phillip said, "Ok we can either name him Billy, Duddley, or Mater." Mater had never crossed my mind, but for some reason I thought it was a really cute name for him. And since I really didn't like Billy I was happy we could finally compromise. So...Mater it is...I think it actually fits him because Mater is small, stocky, and has a square face...and so does the puppy! HAHA!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Addition to the Family!

We just got him yesterday. The people Lauren nannies for are foster parents for puppies at the we got one! He is sooo much fun and soooo cute!!! He is 7 weeks old and is a Shih Tzu Terrier mix so his fur is very soft and like human he doesn't shed! YAY!!! So far it seems like Abby really likes him and he loves to follow her around. The people that had him before us named him Cole and Phillip for some reason wants to name him Billy. When I look at him he looks like he has a distinctive name that would fit him but I can't figure it out so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them!!!