Monday, November 17, 2008

Abs decided to take a stroll around the house.


Anonymous said...

I love that drunken sailor walk that little ones have. Abby is so cute. I can't wait to have her walking all over OUR house!!!! Miss that little one so much.
Grandma Chase

Jaime said...

So cute! When did she start walking? I can't believe it! But then I guess she is a year old, but I still can't believe it!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she walking! LOL. She is so cute. Can't wait to see ya guys soon.

Katie said...

Hurray she did it! She picked that up pretty fast.

Katie said...

Did you always have that floor in the kitchen?

Unknown said...

That walk looks very familiar...she and Addison are going to have fun with eachother at the Parents' house for Christmas. I miss you sis!!