Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pictures of the baby

He's gonna be a soccer player

I know, he's good looking just like his dad


Jaime said...

Phillip must have posted this.

Vanessa and Phillip said...

How did you guess??? hahaha

Rebecca and Nick said...

yeah, I was about to ask if this was phillip or vanessa posting. how funny! Those are great ones though! I like seeing the profile ones like that best.

Kath said...

oh congratulations. this is kathryn. that's exciting!

Katie said...

Yea! I'm so glad it's going to be a boy! How are you feeling anyway?

Vanessa and Phillip said...

I am really excited about having a boy. I would have been happy with a girl but it will be fun to have one of each. I am feeling really good too by the way. Thanks for asking