Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

We went down to California for Thanksgiving weekend. Phillip's brother and sister in law drove down from Utah and we all piled in our van and drove down together. It was a very nice visit. We stayed at my in laws house and it was a full house over there with everyone, but it was fun. Abby was getting her two year molars and had a fever so she was a little pill the entire time we were there. We got to have two thanksgiving dinners. One on Thanksgiving day at the fire station with my father in law, and then one on Saturday at the house with most of the family. Then my family came over later and we blessed Chase. It was a very nice but fast visit.

He's getting so big already!

Abby and Grandpa at the fire station.

Can you tell she didn't feel so great?

All the Jenkins cousins, minus Jared and Kathryn's on the way :)

Chase got to use the same blessing outfit that his cousin Jeremy was blessed in. It was so sweet!

4 generation picture

Uncle Vaughn got Chase a Dodgers hat so I had to take a picture with their matching hats!


Jessica said...

cute family pic! love your hair

Natalie said...

Those are all such cute pictures! Love the cute blessing outfit! :)

Jaime said...

It was so fun to have him blessed in Jeremy's little outfit. It makes that little suit even more special to me. Great to see you!